Author(s) (Year), Publication | Location of Data Collection | Research Method | Research Participants | Advertising Media |
1. Aiken & Malkewitz (2010), JCIRA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
2. Barclay et al. (1965), JAR | USA | Telephone interview | Women only | TV |
3. Bhatnager & Wan (2011), JA | Canada | Experiment | College students only | Magazines |
4. Braun & Pfleiderer (2003), WRRS | Germany | Survey | Adults | Magazines |
5. Bushman (1998, study 1), JEPA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
6. Bushman (1998, study 2), JEPA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
7. Bushman (1998, study 3), JEPA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
8. Bushman (2005), PS | USA | Experiment | Adults | TV |
9. Bushman & Bonacci (2002), JAP | USA | Experiment | Adults | TV |
10. Cantor & Venus (1980), JB | USA | Experiment | College students only | Radio |
11. Clancy & Kweskin (1971), JAR | Not specified | Survey | Adults | TV |
12. Cunningham et al. (2006), JAR | Not specified | Survey | Adults | TV, websites |
13. De Pelsmacker et al. (2002), JA | Belgium | Experiment | Adults | TV, magazines |
14. Eadie (2007), WRRS | Not specified | Interview | Adults | Magazines |
15. Finch (1987), dissertation | USA | Experiment | College students only | Magazines |
16. Furnham et al. (1998), ACP | UK | Experiment | Children | TV |
17. Gallagher et al. (2001), JAR | Canada | Experiment | College students only | Websites, print |
18. Grigorovici & Constantin (2004), JIA | USA | Experiment | College students only | Online games |
19. Gunter et al. (1994), PR | UK | Experiment | Children | TV |
20. Gunter et al. (1997), JP | UK | Experiment | College students only | TV |
21. Gunter et al. (2002), ACP | UK | Experiment | Children | TV |
22. Gunter et al. (2005), JASP | UK | Experiment | College students only | Film |
23. Herrewijn & Poels (2013), IJA | Not specified | Experiment | Adults | PC games |
24. Horn & McEwen (1977), JA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
25. Hyun et al. (2006), JCIRA | South Korea | Survey | Adults | Newspaper |
26. Jeong (2007), dissertation | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
27. Jeong et al. (2011), JA | USA | Experiment | College students only | Video games |
28. Jun et al. (2003), JCIRA | South Korea | Experiment | College students only | Magazines |
29. Kline et al. (2011), PDRF | Not specified | Survey | Adults | TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, film, video games, websites, circulars |
30. Krugman et al. (1995), JA | USA | In-home observation | Children, Adults | TV |
31. Lee & Thorson (2009), JBP | USA | Experiment | College students only | Websites |
32. Lloyd & Clancy (1991a), JAR | USA | Experiment | Women only | TV |
33. Lloyd & Clancy (1991b), JCM | USA | Experiment | Women only | TV |
34. Mathur & Chattopadhyay (1991), P&M | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
35. McConnell (1970), JAR | Australia | Experiment | College students only | TV, radio, newspaper |
36. McGrath & Mahood (2004), JCIRA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
37. Moorman (2003, study 1), dissertation | Netherlands | Face-to-face interview | Adults | Magazines |
38. Moorman (2003, study 2), dissertation | Netherlands | Telephone interview | Adults | TV |
39. Moorman et al. (2002), JA | Netherlands | Survey (interview) | Women only | Magazines |
40. Moorman et al. 2005), JAR | Netherlands | Survey | Adults | TV |
41. Moorman et al. (2007), JA | Netherlands | Interview | Adults | TV |
42. Moorman et al. (2009), ICA | Netherlands | Survey | Adults | TV |
43. Moorman et al. (2012), JA | Netherlands | Survey | Adults | TV |
44. Mundorf et al. (1991), JA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
45. Murphy et al. (1979), JA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
46. Nelson et al. (2006), JA | USA | Experiment | Adults | Video games |
47. Newell et al. (2001), P&M | USA | Survey | College students only | TV |
48. Norris & Colman (1992), JA | UK | Experiment | College students only | Magazines |
49. Norris & Colman (1993), SBP | UK | Experiment | Adults | TV |
50. Norris & Colman (1994), SBP | UK | Experiment | Adults | TV |
51. Norris et al. (2001), SPR | UK | Experiment | College students only | TV |
52. Norris et al. (2003), ACP | UK | Experiment | Adults | TV |
53. Parker & Furnham (2007), ACP | UK | Experiment | College students only | TV |
54. Pavelchak et al. (1988), JCR | USA | Survey | College students only | TV |
55. Perry et al. (1997), JC | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
56. Prasad & Smith (1994), JAMS | USA | Experiment | Children | TV |
57. Russell et al. (2004), JCR | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
58. Sharma (2000), JGP | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
59. Shen & Prinsen (1999), AAA | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV, magazines |
60. Starr & Lowe (1995), ACR | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
61. Sullivan (1990), P&M | Not specified | Experiment | Adults | Radio |
62. Terry (2005, study 2), JGP | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
63. Terry (2005, study 3), JGP | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
64. van Reijmersdal et al. (2010), IJA | Netherlands | Survey | Online panel | TV |
65. Wang (2006), JAR | USA | Experiment | College students only | Video games |
66. Wang & Lang (2012), MP | USA | Experiment | College students only | TV |
67. Ware (2003), WRRS | USA | Survey | Adults | Magazines |
68. Wilson & Isaac (1995), WRRS | Not specified | Experiment | Adults | Magazines |
69. Wise et al. (1975), JA | USA | Interview | Adults | TV |
70. Zanjani et al. (2011), JA | USA | Experiment | College students only | Online magazines |
Note: AAA = Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising; ACP = Applied Cognitive Psychology; ACR = Advances in Consumer Research; ICA = International Communication Association; IJA = International Journal of Advertising; JA = Journal of Advertising; JAMS = Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; JAP = Journal of Applied Psychology; JAR = Journal of Advertising Research; JASP = Journal of Applied Social Psychology; JB = Journal of Broadcasting; JBP = Journal of Business and Psychology; JC = Journal of Communication; JCIRA = Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising; JCM = Journal of Consumer Marketing; JCR = Journal of Consumer Research; JEPA = Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied; JGP = Journal of General Psychology; JIA = Journal of Interactive Advertising; JP = Journal of Psychology; MP = Media Psychology; P&M = Psychology & Marketing; PDRF = Print and Digital Research Forum; PR = Psychological Reports; PS = Psychological Science; SBP = Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal; SPR = Social Psychological Review; WRRS = Worldwide Readership Research Symposium.