List of Studies Analyzed

Author(s) (Year), PublicationLocation of Data CollectionResearch MethodResearch ParticipantsAdvertising Media
1. Aiken & Malkewitz (2010), JCIRAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
2. Barclay et al. (1965), JARUSATelephone interviewWomen onlyTV
3. Bhatnager & Wan (2011), JACanadaExperimentCollege students onlyMagazines
4. Braun & Pfleiderer (2003), WRRSGermanySurveyAdultsMagazines
5. Bushman (1998, study 1), JEPAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
6. Bushman (1998, study 2), JEPAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
7. Bushman (1998, study 3), JEPAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
8. Bushman (2005), PSUSAExperimentAdultsTV
9. Bushman & Bonacci (2002), JAPUSAExperimentAdultsTV
10. Cantor & Venus (1980), JBUSAExperimentCollege students onlyRadio
11. Clancy & Kweskin (1971), JARNot specifiedSurveyAdultsTV
12. Cunningham et al. (2006), JARNot specifiedSurveyAdultsTV, websites
13. De Pelsmacker et al. (2002), JABelgiumExperimentAdultsTV, magazines
14. Eadie (2007), WRRSNot specifiedInterviewAdultsMagazines
15. Finch (1987), dissertationUSAExperimentCollege students onlyMagazines
16. Furnham et al. (1998), ACPUKExperimentChildrenTV
17. Gallagher et al. (2001), JARCanadaExperimentCollege students onlyWebsites, print
18. Grigorovici & Constantin (2004), JIAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyOnline games
19. Gunter et al. (1994), PRUKExperimentChildrenTV
20. Gunter et al. (1997), JPUKExperimentCollege students onlyTV
21. Gunter et al. (2002), ACPUKExperimentChildrenTV
22. Gunter et al. (2005), JASPUKExperimentCollege students onlyFilm
23. Herrewijn & Poels (2013), IJANot specifiedExperimentAdultsPC games
24. Horn & McEwen (1977), JAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
25. Hyun et al. (2006), JCIRASouth KoreaSurveyAdultsNewspaper
26. Jeong (2007), dissertationUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
27. Jeong et al. (2011), JAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyVideo games
28. Jun et al. (2003), JCIRASouth KoreaExperimentCollege students onlyMagazines
29. Kline et al. (2011), PDRFNot specifiedSurveyAdultsTV, radio, newspaper, magazines, film, video games, websites, circulars
30. Krugman et al. (1995), JAUSAIn-home observationChildren, AdultsTV
31. Lee & Thorson (2009), JBPUSAExperimentCollege students onlyWebsites
32. Lloyd & Clancy (1991a), JARUSAExperimentWomen onlyTV
33. Lloyd & Clancy (1991b), JCMUSAExperimentWomen onlyTV
34. Mathur & Chattopadhyay (1991), P&MUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
35. McConnell (1970), JARAustraliaExperimentCollege students onlyTV, radio, newspaper
36. McGrath & Mahood (2004), JCIRAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
37. Moorman (2003, study 1), dissertationNetherlandsFace-to-face interviewAdultsMagazines
38. Moorman (2003, study 2), dissertationNetherlandsTelephone interviewAdultsTV
39. Moorman et al. (2002), JANetherlandsSurvey (interview)Women onlyMagazines
40. Moorman et al. 2005), JARNetherlandsSurveyAdultsTV
41. Moorman et al. (2007), JANetherlandsInterviewAdultsTV
42. Moorman et al. (2009), ICANetherlandsSurveyAdultsTV
43. Moorman et al. (2012), JANetherlandsSurveyAdultsTV
44. Mundorf et al. (1991), JAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
45. Murphy et al. (1979), JAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
46. Nelson et al. (2006), JAUSAExperimentAdultsVideo games
47. Newell et al. (2001), P&MUSASurveyCollege students onlyTV
48. Norris & Colman (1992), JAUKExperimentCollege students onlyMagazines
49. Norris & Colman (1993), SBPUKExperimentAdultsTV
50. Norris & Colman (1994), SBPUKExperimentAdultsTV
51. Norris et al. (2001), SPRUKExperimentCollege students onlyTV
52. Norris et al. (2003), ACPUKExperimentAdultsTV
53. Parker & Furnham (2007), ACPUKExperimentCollege students onlyTV
54. Pavelchak et al. (1988), JCRUSASurveyCollege students onlyTV
55. Perry et al. (1997), JCUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
56. Prasad & Smith (1994), JAMSUSAExperimentChildrenTV
57. Russell et al. (2004), JCRUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
58. Sharma (2000), JGPUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
59. Shen & Prinsen (1999), AAAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV, magazines
60. Starr & Lowe (1995), ACRUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
61. Sullivan (1990), P&MNot specifiedExperimentAdultsRadio
62. Terry (2005, study 2), JGPUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
63. Terry (2005, study 3), JGPUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
64. van Reijmersdal et al. (2010), IJANetherlandsSurveyOnline panelTV
65. Wang (2006), JARUSAExperimentCollege students onlyVideo games
66. Wang & Lang (2012), MPUSAExperimentCollege students onlyTV
67. Ware (2003), WRRSUSASurveyAdultsMagazines
68. Wilson & Isaac (1995), WRRSNot specifiedExperimentAdultsMagazines
69. Wise et al. (1975), JAUSAInterviewAdultsTV
70. Zanjani et al. (2011), JAUSAExperimentCollege students onlyOnline magazines
  • Note: AAA = Proceedings of the Conference of the American Academy of Advertising; ACP = Applied Cognitive Psychology; ACR = Advances in Consumer Research; ICA = International Communication Association; IJA = International Journal of Advertising; JA = Journal of Advertising; JAMS = Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science; JAP = Journal of Applied Psychology; JAR = Journal of Advertising Research; JASP = Journal of Applied Social Psychology; JB = Journal of Broadcasting; JBP = Journal of Business and Psychology; JC = Journal of Communication; JCIRA = Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising; JCM = Journal of Consumer Marketing; JCR = Journal of Consumer Research; JEPA = Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied; JGP = Journal of General Psychology; JIA = Journal of Interactive Advertising; JP = Journal of Psychology; MP = Media Psychology; P&M = Psychology & Marketing; PDRF = Print and Digital Research Forum; PR = Psychological Reports; PS = Psychological Science; SBP = Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal; SPR = Social Psychological Review; WRRS = Worldwide Readership Research Symposium.