Characteristics of the Studies

Publication year (IR =1.00)1960s  11.43
1970s  57.14
1980s  34.29
2010–2013  912.86
Publication type (IR =.93)Journals5882.86
Full published conference proceedings  811.43
Doctoral dissertations  45.71
PublicationsJournal of Advertising1420.00
Journal of Advertising Research  811.43
Print & Digital Research Forum/Worldwide Readership Research Symposium (conference proceedings)  57.14
Applied Cognitive Psychology  45.71
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising  45.71
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied  34.29
Journal of General Psychology  34.29
Psychology & Marketing  34.29
International Journal of Advertising  22.86
Journal of Consumer Research  22.86
Social Behavior & Personality  22.86
University of Amsterdam (dissertation)  22.86
Advances in Consumer Research (conference proceedings)  11.43
American Academy of Advertising (conference proceedings)  11.43
International Communication Association (conference proceedings)  11.43
Journal of Applied Social Psychology  11.43
Journal of Applied Psychology  11.43
Journal of Broadcasting  11.43
Journal of Business and Psychology  11.43
Journal of Communication  11.43
Journal of Consumer Marketing  11.43
Journal of Interactive Advertising  11.43
Journal of Psychology  11.43
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  11.43
Media Psychology  11.43
Ohio State University (dissertation)  11.43
Psychological Reports  11.43
Psychological Science  11.43
Social Psychological Review  11.43
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (dissertation)  11.43
Data collected countries (IR =.88)United States3752.86
United Kingdom1115.71
The Netherlands  811.43
Canada  22.86
South Korea  22.86
Australia  11.43
Belgium  11.43
Germany  11.43
Not specified  710.00
Research methodExperiment (IR = .94)5071.43
Survey (IR = .92)1927.14
In-home observation (IR = .99)  11.43
Research participantsaCollege students only (IR = .96)3651.43
Adults (18 and older, not college students; IR = .92)2637.14
Children (younger than 18; IR = .97)  68.57
Women only (18 and older; IR = 1.00)  45.71
Advertising mediaaTelevision (IR = .93)4868.57
Magazines (and online magazines; IR = .96)1318.57
Video, PC, and online games (IR = 1.00)  68.57
Radio (IR =. 98)  45.71
Internet and websites (IR = .99)  45.71
Film (IR = .98)  34.29
Newspaper (IR = .99)  34.29
Print (not specifically newspaper or magazine; IR = .96)  11.43
  • Note: Intercoder reliabilities (IR) not reported in this table are brand type (.86), advertisement type (.88), product category (.88), variable information (variable names = .89; types of variable = .90; reliability for continuous variables = .91; levels for nominal variables = .92), sample sizes (.87), and reported statistics (.87).

  • a Because several types of research participants and advertising media were used, the sum of the frequencies for these variables was greater than 70 (the total number of studies examined in this study).