PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - De Schaepdrijver, Leen AU - Baecke, Philippe AU - Tackx, Koen TI - What Makes Consumers Willing to Share Their Data in Addressable TV Advertising? AID - 10.2501/JAR-2022-012 DP - 2022 Jun 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 131--147 VI - 62 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2022 Jun 01; 62 AB - Addressable advertising on television opens the door to better targeting and measurement of television advertising campaigns, but gaining access to consumer data is paramount for this new technology. This article aims to examine consumer willingness to disclose personal information in the context of addressable advertising by applying privacy calculus theory. The authors administered a survey to 1,858 participants, examining the influence of both personal and situational factors on consumer willingness to disclose information. Personalization value is the strongest antecedent of willingness to disclose data, followed by privacy concerns and institutional trust. The authors suggest how situational factors such as type of data and customer benefits, which are controllable by companies, influence individuals’ willingness to disclose information and how they might balance each other.