PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - DAHLEN, MICAEL AU - KARSBERG, JOHN AU - SAGFOSSEN, SOFIE AU - THORBJØRNSEN, HELGE AU - LANGE, FREDRIK TI - Advertising “On the Go”: Are Consumers In Motion More Influenced by Ads? AID - 10.2501/JAR-2019-023 DP - 2020 Dec 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 417--425 VI - 60 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2020 Dec 01; 60 AB - People increasingly are in motion when exposed to advertising, which begs the question, “Are moving consumers more influenced by advertising?” This article builds on grounded cognition—the premise that the body influences the brain—to show that physical activity has positive effects on attitudes and intentions toward an advertisement and a brand. Prompted by movement (e.g., exercise), these effects are caused by an increased state of physical arousal. This phenomenon is accentuated when the advertisement is less related to the arousing context, because people are not reminded of the source of the arousal. Implications for researchers and advertisers are discussed.