RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 How Advertisers Can Keep Mobile Users Engaged and Reduce Video-Ad Blocking JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 311 OP 325 DO 10.2501/JAR-2018-036 VO 58 IS 3 A1 Clark, Kimberly Rose A1 Leslie, Kenneth Raj A1 Garcia-Garcia, Manuel A1 Tullman, Matthew L. YR 2018 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/58/3/311.abstract AB Advertising researchers do not understand fully the impact different advertisement placement and delivery vehicles have on the mobile user's experience. To better grasp the mobile user's experience in real time, the authors collected data streams garnered from the brain and body, including visual fixations, heart rate, electroencephalography, skin conductance, and facial affect. The data helped assess users' attention, engagement, and affect toward advertisements and the content in which the advertisements were embedded. Results showed that three practices led to positive user experience with advertisements: maintaining user volition to engage with advertisements, limiting the disruptive nature of advertisements, and incentivizing viewing.