PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Roy, Subhadip AU - Mishra, Aditya Shankar TI - The Dual Entertainment Theory In Celebrity Endorsements AID - 10.2501/JAR-2018-009 DP - 2018 Mar 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 33--50 VI - 58 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2018 Mar 01; 58 AB - This study builds on entertainment and transportation theories and empirically tests a model that incorporates the effects of entertainment motives and attitudes. It examines endorsement success and the differences in the mentioned effects between celebrity worshippers and nonworshippers, including the role of celebrity profession as a moderating variable. The study's hypotheses were tested empirically and validated with survey data of two nonstudent samples (Study 1), with real brands (Study 2), and in a different nation to ensure generalizability (Study 3). Different entertainment motives were found to influence endorsement success among worshippers and nonworshippers. The moderating role of celebrity profession also was observed.