RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 How Credible is E-Word of Mouth Across Digital-Marketing Channels? JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 95 OP 109 DO 10.2501/JAR-55-1-095-109 VO 55 IS 1 A1 Levy, Shalom A1 Gvili, Yaniv YR 2015 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/55/1/95.abstract AB Digital communication encourages individuals and marketers to share information easily and spread electronic word of mouth (e-WOM). Yet, many people may find it difficult to judge message and source credibility. The current study suggested that receivers' judgment of e-WOM messages stems from three key channel properties: social capital, information richness, and interactivity. The authors formulated a conceptual framework and then conducted a survey across five digital channels. Findings indicated that channel managers should design information-enriching tools if they wish to enhance channel credibility. Moreover, the study found that marketers need to distribute e-WOM via diverse and socially unrelated e-WOM sources rather than closely related sources.