RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 How Corporate Cultures Drive Advertising and Promotion Budgets JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 149 OP 162 DO 10.2501/JAR-54-2-149-162 VO 54 IS 2 A1 West, Douglas A1 Ford, John B. A1 Farris, Paul W. YR 2014 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/54/2/149.abstract AB This study provides a survey of the methods used by U.S. advertisers to set advertising and promotions budgets and the effects of culture, risk, and organizational experience on these choices. Findings suggest that heuristics provide checks on analytically based budget methods and may also help managers deal with risks. Understanding the role played by heuristics in budgeting provides the first step toward process improvements in advertising and promotions budgeting.