PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Harrison, Frank TI - Digging Deeper Down into the Empirical Generalization of Brand Recall AID - 10.2501/JAR-53-2-181-185 DP - 2013 Jun 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 181--185 VI - 53 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2013 Jun 01; 53 AB - ZenithOptimedia's Touchpoints ROI Tracker research, based on interviews with over 700,000 consumers in 47 countries, shows that across paid, owned, and earned consumer contact points, users of brands have a higher propensity to recall the brands that they use than non-users buying in the same category. On average, brand recall amongst users is 1.7 times greater (the user multiplier) than amongst non-users. There is significant variation in the user multiplier by product category, brand size, market maturity, and touchpoint type. Marketers of brands with higher user multipliers, particularly those marketing smaller brands, have a harder job to reach non-buyers than those with low multipliers.