RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 What's Up? JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 91 OP 106 DO 10.2501/S002184991009121X VO 50 IS 1 A1 Goodrich, Kendall YR 2010 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/50/1/91.abstract AB This research examines the effect of the vertical positioning and format of online advertising on attention, aided recall, and brand attitude. Prior research (Previc, 1990) suggests greater attention for stimuli in the lower visual field (LVF) than in the upper visual field (UVF). The results of this online study indicate that (1) lower page placement significantly increases ad attention, supporting prior LVF/UVF research; (2) there is an inverse relationship between ad attention and brand attitude (in this study's online environment), supporting mere exposure theory; and (3) online ad format (rectangle ad or leaderboard) has a significant direct effect on attention, aided recall, and brand attitude, attributed to object salience/familiarity. Management implications are discussed.