RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Beauty is in the Eye of the Tech Manager JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 328 OP 338 DO 10.2501/S0021849909090485 VO 49 IS 3 A1 Chiagouris, Larry A1 Lala, Vishal YR 2009 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/49/3/328.abstract AB Traditional media tools often are criticized for the waste of targeting noncustomers. Although marketing managers are aware of the potential for waste in the use of traditional media, such vehicles continue to dominate media budgets. In this article, we explored the conditions under which managers are more likely to act on their perceptions of media waste in comparing traditional media with interactive media. Based on a national survey of managers in the United States, we found that their perceptions of wastefulness of traditional marketing media on implementation of interactive-marketing technologies are contingent upon their own personal technology orientation and their hierarchical position in the organization. Specifically, perception of media waste will lead to an increase in interactive-marketing technology budgets and use if the manager is technology oriented or is in a senior management position.