RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 The Enduring Influence of TV Advertising And Communications Clout Patterns In the Global Marketplace JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 227 OP 235 DO 10.2501/S0021849909090333 VO 49 IS 2 A1 Jamhouri, Oscar A1 Winiarz, Marek L. YR 2009 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/49/2/227.abstract AB Historically television has been one of the most powerful marketing contacts. But the recent proliferation of TV channels and influence of digital contacts resulted in audience fragmentation and additional media clutter. These caused speculation that the influence of TV is waning. Based on the last four years' data across the globe, the empirical evidence refutes that conclusion. The data show that TV retains its clout among target audiences. Increased digital media influence has not caused a decrease of TV influence. However, influence of any communication contact varies by market. In closing we show contact influence in an electronics category in 12 global markets.