RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Creative and Interactive Media Use by Agencies: Engaging an IMC Media Palette for Implementing Advertising Campaigns JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 237 OP 256 DO 10.2501/S0021849907070286 VO 47 IS 3 A1 Sasser, Sheila L. A1 Koslow, Scott A1 Riordan, Edward A. YR 2007 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/47/3/237.abstract AB This study examines IMC media use by advertising agencies from a perspective of how creative and media implementation effects impact the scope of media selected for campaigns. The study was based upon a quantitative analysis of 872 advertising campaigns from 309 respondents from the largest advertising agencies in New York and Detroit. Overall, campaigns contain more integrated media when there is solid consumer research, formal advertising testing, diverse media experience, agency industry specialization, and high agency motivation. Creativity is positively correlated with wider IMC media use, showing that integrated interactive media campaigns using a broader media palette can be highly creative. However, neither the presence of strategy in the client's brief nor the perception of the campaign being “on strategy” has any effect on the scope or number of media used.