RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Quantifying the Isolated and Synergistic Effects of Exposure Frequency for TV, Print, and Internet Advertising JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 215 OP 221 DO 10.2501/S0021849907070262 VO 47 IS 3 A1 Havlena, William A1 Cardarelli, Robert A1 de Montigny, Michelle YR 2007 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/47/3/215.abstract AB This article describes an approach to measuring frequency of exposure to all media at the individual level and presents a case study illustration based on a cross-platform TV, print, and online campaign for a consumer packaged good for which advertising had begun several weeks prior to data collection. Using the respondent-level frequency approach, we address the contribution of different media to marketing objectives in circumstances where the campaign has already started and for very well-established brands with high levels of awareness. Knowing respondent-level frequencies also allows us to understand if media synergy effects are truly synergistic or the result of achieving higher frequency levels among people who have been exposed to multiple media.