PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Close, Angeline G. AU - Finney, R. Zachary AU - Lacey, Russell Z. AU - Sneath, Julie Z. TI - Engaging the Consumer through Event Marketing: Linking Attendees with the Sponsor, Community, and Brand AID - 10.2501/S0021849906060430 DP - 2006 Dec 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 420--433 VI - 46 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2006 Dec 01; 46 AB - With an on-site study at a sponsored event, we construct and test competing models to examine the relationship among event attendees, sponsorship, community involvement, and the title sponsor's brand with respect to purchase intentions. We show that an attendee's enthusiasm and activeness in the area of the sponsored event and knowledge of the sponsor's products positively influence the attendee's desire that a sponsor be involved with the community. Then, we show that attendees who are more community-minded have a more positive opinion of the sponsor as a result of their event experience; a better opinion of the sponsor contributes to increased intentions to purchase the sponsor's products. Results from this framework indicate that event marketing, in conjunction with consumers who are enthusiastic, active, and knowledgeable about the sponsor and event, serves as a valuable lever to engage the consumer.