PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Cook, William A. AU - Talluri, Vijay S. TI - How the Pursuit of ROMI Is Changing Marketing Management AID - 10.1017/S0021849904040322 DP - 2004 Sep 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 244--254 VI - 44 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2004 Sep 01; 44 AB - Although managers have been aware of the significance of Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) for over a decade, they have been slow to leverage their ability to maximize their ROMI. The purpose of this article is to sketch a framework for optimizing a corporation's ROMI and to highlight the indispensability of ROMI to marketing management. The article suggests a framework to accelerate the adoption of ROMI, and a plan to carry out a pilot ROMI project. The benefits of ROMI are discussed, and barriers to ROMI listed. The authors conclude that ROMI management is a different kind of management.