PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Gelb, Betsy D. TI - Observations: ‘Market Patriotism’ – Advertising Dilemma AID - 10.2501/JAR-42-1-67-69 DP - 2002 Jan 01 TA - Journal of Advertising Research PG - 67--69 VI - 42 IP - 1 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Advert Res2002 Jan 01; 42 AB - Given the events of September 11, 2001, stating or implying that it is patriotic to purchase from a particular advertiser involves an obvious trade-off. On one hand lurks the possibility of criticism for, in effect, waving the flag for profit. On the other lurks the possibility of criticism for ignoring a patriotic theme at a time when such themes are nearly ubiquitous. Neither, however, may be the relevant issue. If advertising focuses attention on a company's patriotism, it isn't focusing attention on the goods or services that company is advertising. That, it is argued here, is the real trade-off.