Table 2

Importance of Issues in the Decision to Vote for President among Loyal Democrats, Loyal Republicans, and Undecided Potential voters

IssueLoyal Democrats (n = 207) (%)Loyal Republicans (n = 157) (%)Undecided (n = 265) (%)X2(df = 2)p
Environment and climate control67.612.129.8129.5970.0001
Immigration30.959.929.1  45.4790.0001
Economy47.377.754.7  35.8600.0001
Abortion38.634.425.7    9.4900.0090
Second Amendment (or gun control)  17.2660.0001
Foreign policy36.738.223.4  13.9620.0001
Health care76.851.654.7  32.0420.0001
Crime30.049.737.7  14.7630.0001
Terrorism31.459.942.3  26.6410.0001
The candidate’s credibility or likability46.931.840.0    8.3790.0150
  • Note: Table entries are the percentages of loyal Democrats, loyal Republicans, and undecided potential voters who indicate that the issue is “very important.”