Examining the Predictors of Watching versus Liking versus Sharing Super Bowl Advertisements On Social Media (H4–H5)

Independent VariableDiscriminant LoadingScorepCanonical CorrelationWilks's λχ2p
H4: Dependent variable = watch advertisement on social media (yes or no)0.140.9812.25<.03
Engagement  0.57  4.08<.04
Seriousness  0.52  3.36<.07
Humor  0.49  2.92<.09
Brand cognitions  0.09  0.11ns
Advertisement cognitions−0.04  0.02ns
H5: Dependent variable = like advertisement on social media (yes or no)0.160.9717.69<.01
Brand cognitions  0.9515.75<.01
Advertisement cognitions  0.64  7.31<.01
Engagement  0.56  5.56<.02
Seriousness  0.36  2.40ns
Humor  0.15  0.41ns
H5: Dependent variable = share advertisement on social media (yes or no)0.230.9436.32< .01
Advertisement cognitions  0.9129.64<.01
Brand cognitions  0.6721.23<.01
Engagement  0.40  6.07<.01
Seriousness  0.36  4.72<.03
Humor  0.09  0.28ns
  • Note: H = hypothesis.