Results of Two-Stage Least Squares Regressions

VariableFirst StageSecond Stage
Market Share (t - 1)0.9865***
Adjusted Total Corporate Social Responsibility4.6833***
Advertising Intensity × Total Corporate Social Responsibility2.8842***
Blue State0.0412*
Advertising Intensity1.8144***      5.8575***
(0.2201)      (1.9791)
Leverage0.0082      −0.1553
(0.0431)      (0.1935)
R&D Intensity0.0912*      −0.6120**
(0.0526)      (0.2927)
Economic Growth2.79 e−06      −0.00003
(5.32 e−06)      (0.00002)
Year fixed effectsYesYes
Industry fixed effectsYesYes
First-stage Cragg & Donald test (F-value)10.02
Overidentification test (p-value)  0.1814
Adjusted R2  0.3775      0.9777
F stat.25.06***20,406.81***
  • Note: Robust standard errors clustered at the company level are used to compute t-statistics. Standard errors in parentheses.

  • *p<0.10; **p<0.05, ***p<0.01.