Neuro 1 Vendors' Definitions of Two Shared Constructs: Engagement and Positive Emotion

MeasureVendor's DefinitionMeasureVendor #
Engagement“Neurons firing (electrophysiological measurements through EEG) in response to a specific stimulus. If neurons are not firing, the brain is not engaged and neurological functions, such as memory, attention, language processing and emotion are not taking place.”EEG1
“Physiologically the measurement of EE is cortex electrical activity. The result is a measurement of whether a consumer feels the ad conveys an emotionally self-relevant message to consumers.”EEG3
“A neural measure of an increasing willingness to pay.”fMRI4
“Percentage of participants who had at least one code-able emotional response during exposure to the stimulus and/or in response to questions.”Facial coding/survey5
“Attention to something that emotionally impacts you.”Biometrics7
“A measure of personal relevance; is this subject matter relevant to me? Similar to what marketers would call salience.”EEG8
Positive Emotion“The Emotional Polarity Timeline identifies key moments of positive and negative emotions during the media.”EEG1
“Percentage of respondents who were predominately positive (more than 50% positive emotions).”Facial coding5
“[EMG measure] of the smile muscle. The zygomatic muscle response can reflect spontaneous emotional expression, in response to humor for example. It can also indicate changes in mood states, including warm, positive feelings toward a character or a storyline, and/or the sense of resolution when a story reaches its climax.”EMG6
“Technically called ‘motivational valence’–it equates broadly to a ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ response.”EEG8