RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 This Event is Me! JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 271 OP 284 DO 10.2501/S0021849909090412 VO 49 IS 3 A1 Close, Angeline G. A1 Krishen, Anjala S. A1 Latour, Michael S. YR 2009 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/49/3/271.abstract AB Based on a real-world field study of 21 sponsored promotional events (more specifically, sponsored fashion shows) (n = 535), we provide a self-congruity theory-based model explaining the role of mall shoppers' self-congruity on the effectiveness of experiential mall promotions. We find that self-congruity with the event is a key influencer of promotion effectiveness. Specifically, we show that (1) more expertise with the sponsor affects self-congruity with the sponsor; (2) in turn, self-congruity with the promotional event enhances persuasiveness of the event; and (3) this event persuasion enhances the consumer's likelihood to shop at the sponsor's store. Further, when entertained shoppers like the promotional events and wish for more of such promotions, they tend to think more positively about the sponsor, view the promotional event as a good way to highlight the sponsor, and desire to shop more at the retail sponsor. These are important findings for advertising research practitioners, as they suggest that event attendees focus on how the sponsoring retailer fits with their image and sense of self.