RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Affinity-based Media selection JF Journal of Advertising Research JO J Advert Res FD WARC SP 54 OP 65 DO 10.2501/JAR-42-4-54-65 VO 42 IS 4 A1 Kusumoto, Kazuya YR 2002 UL http://www.journalofadvertisingresearch.com/content/42/4/54.abstract AB The basic role of advertising media has been considered to be simply delivering the brand message to its target audience. However, even if the message is sufficiently delivered, it is not clear whether the audience will actively absorb it. This paper focuses on the psychological relationship between advertised brands and magazine vehicles as a factor in influencing brand message absorption via magazine advertisements. As a new scale to define this relationship, the author introduces ‘Value-Factor distance,’ which is derived from factor analysis of syndicated data. Its effectiveness is then validated by a verification survey and its application to TV program selection is also considered.